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Generative AI, the upcoming breakthrough technology, is set to revolutionize the landscape for local business owners, providing them with unprecedented opportunities to reach their target audience. In this blog post, we delve into the exciting potential of generative AI and its implications for local service providers.

Recently, I had the privilege of accessing and testing Google's forthcoming generative AI feature, which is slated for a global release. This exclusive access was granted to a select group of individuals who had signed up for Google Labs and joined the waitlist.

In my brief experiments with generative AI, I discovered that this new feature holds immense value for local business owners, including shop and store owners, as well as any service provider with a Google Business Profile (also known as Google Maps Listing).

Before we take a deep dive further, let's simplify the concept of generative AI.

What is Generative AI?

Google's generative AI is an advanced artificial intelligence algorithm or system designed to generate search results that encompass various elements such as relevant images, informative text, additional search suggestions, follow-ups on search queries, and recommendations for the best sources of information for commonly searched terms.

In practical terms, this means that Google search users can now enjoy more comprehensive search experiences, acquiring deeper knowledge on specific topics without the need to navigate to external websites.

Is Generative AI a Topic of Concern for SEO Industry?

While concerns have been raised within the SEO community regarding this feature, I personally believe that its primary impact will be felt by news websites and blogging platforms. Nonetheless, local business owners seeking organic leads can still be able to leverage significant benefits from this development if they are using the services from a professional Indian SEO Company.

Here’s How.

Allow me to elaborate on the positive outcomes observed during my experiments comparing the results generated by Generative AI with the standard results obtained from Google.

These observations highlight the potential advantages that local service providers can enjoy:

During my search for "St Maarten taxi services" on Google, I conducted a comparison between the results generated by Generative AI and the standard search results. Here are the noteworthy points that local service providers will find encouraging:

Increased Prominence in Search Results:

Generative AI displayed five results from Google Maps, surpassing the typical "Pack of 3" results. This means that local taxi service providers in St Maarten have a higher chance of appearing in front of potential customers through the AI-generated results.

Expanded Suggestions and Recommendations:

Generative AI went beyond the initial five results and provided an additional sixth suggestion,featuring another recommended taxi service provider in St Maarten along with their contact number. In contrast, the regular search results typically only display three results from Google Maps. This extended suggestion feature allows users to explore a wider range of options directly from the search results page.

Streamlined Access to Business Information:

Clicking on any of the five suggested results generated by Generative AI allowed me to view the complete Google Business Profile of the respective service provider. This profile includes essential details such as reviews, appointment scheduling, website links, phone numbers, and the ability to ask questions. In comparison, clicking on a result from the "Pack of 3" currently redirects users to a separate page with multiple listings, potentially overlooking other organic results on the Google SERP.

Additional Suggestions to More Service Providers:

The top-right section of the Generative AI results featured suggestions for additional service providers. Some of these suggestions were repetitive, appearing in both the initial five results and the supplementary suggestions. This can effectively increase the flow of customer calls for local service providers. In contrast, the standard SERP does not offer multiple suggestion options like this.

Opportunities For Lower-Ranking Results:

Generative AI presented suggestions for websites that were not among the top 10 organic results on Google. This offers a chance for websites that were previously left behind to appear in the suggestions and potentially rise in prominence alongside the top suggested results. Consequently, the common saying that "Google's second page is the best place to hide the dead bodies" no longer holds true with the generative AI results, as opportunities are more diverse and

The Conclusion of the Topic

An additional significant impact of Generative AI is its placement above both the Sponsored Ads section and other organic results. During my observations, I noticed that no sponsored ads appeared within the Generative AI section, even when conducting searches for e-commerce products.

Overall, this change appears to be beneficial for local business owners. However, I will continue my experiments to analyze the behavior of Google's Generative AI across various industries. This will enable me to further explore its pros and cons and assess its impact on organic traffic, leads generation, and all other industries worldwide.

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